Thursday 29 January 2015

assignment 2 notes

End devices:
- Motherboard
- Storage
- Operating system
- Apps
We need a wireless or a wired Network interface card (NIC)
If it is wired we will need a cable which is usually a ethernet or RJ45.

Interconnection devices:
- Switches, Connects devices together (clever).
- Routers, connects devices to Wi-Fi.
- Modems, device used by computers to transmit data.
- Hub, Connects devices together (stupid).
- Wireless access point (WAP), Connects things wirelessly.
- Bridge, connects two or more networks.
- Repeater, boosts signals over long distances.

Thursday 8 January 2015




we need standard 'languages' for devices and software to communicate.

Ethernet (fast ethernet, gigethernet) - R345, Cat5, CatSE, Cat6.
10mbps      100mbps      1000mbps                    cables
The most used network protocol for cables.

TCP/IP (Transmission control protocol, internet protocol)
The most used network protocol for network communication.

HTTP (Hypertext transfer protocol) HTTPS (secure)
The standard protocol for websites (downloading content content from a web server)

DNS (Domain name service)
Link the host name to the IP address. Either a host name on a network or a website.

FTP (File transfer protocol)
Used for downloading and uploading files.

SMTP (Simple mail transfer protocol)
Used for email.

DHCP (Dynamic host configuration protocol)
A server or router supplies IP addresses to any device.
IPs have a lease time.
Used for dynamic addressing.

Addresses can also be static - they are set manually and they don't change.
The static address has to be in the same address range as the other devices.
Mainly for servers and printers.


there are 3 fundamental simple physical topologie shapes:

  • Bus
  • Ring
  • Star
Single cable connects all the systems together.
There are terminators at the ends to bounce the signal back and forth.

Advantages: small, inexpensive and easy to expand.
Disadvantages: high maintenance costs.

each node is connected to the two nearest nodes to create a ring.

Advantages: easier to manage and find defective nodes, reliable communication, handles high network traffic, well suited for transmitting over long distance on a LAN.
Disadvantages: expensive, uses a lot of cable, not as widely used so there are fewer setup options.

Every node is connected through a central device.
Any single cable only connects two devices.
Requires the most cable.
Easy to expand the network.

Advantages: low start up costs, easy to manage, scale able, most common.
Disadvantaged: uses the most cable out of the three.